Difference Between Replication And Transcription is that DNA replication occurs in preparation for cell division, while transcription occurs in preparation for protein translation. Replication is important to properly regulate the growth and division of cells.
The DNA will not replicate if the cell lacks certain growth factors, thus keeping the cell division rate under control. Transcription is the method to regulate gene expression. Although all our cells contain copies of all our genes, each cell only expresses the genes that are necessary for their specific functions. Transcription only occurs when a gene is “on.”
Both DNA replication and transcription involve complementary DNA binding nucleic acids, producing a new strand of DNA or RNA. Both processes can lead to errors if an incorrect nucleotide is incorporated. An error in either process can cause a change in the gene, either by changing the DNA sequence in one of the daughter cells that lead to the transcription of the incorrect RNA sequence or because the mRNA incorporates a pair of Incorrect bases, resulting in a poorly translated protein sequence.
Replication of DNA
DNA replication is the process of copying DNA into a cell so that there are two equal copies. This is done in preparation for cell division, or mitosis. Before a cell divides, the DNA must be copied so that there is a copy for each of the resulting daughter cells. First, the DNA is unwound and the two chains of the helix are separated. An enzyme called DNA polymerase then travels along each strand, joining complementary nucleotides. As a result, two double-chain propellers are obtained, two exact copy copies.
DNA transcription and replication involve making copies of the DNA in a cell. The transcript copies the genetic information of the DNA into RNA, while the replication makes another identical copy of DNA. Both processes involve the generation of a new nucleic acid molecule, DNA or RNA; However, the function of each process is very different, with one involved in gene expression and the others involved in cell division.
Transcription involves copying DNA into RNA. The first step in the process is the unwinding and separation of the two strands of the DNA helix. An enzyme called RNA polymerase then travels along the length of the DNA chain and binds complementary RNA nucleotides to it, until a complete mRNA chain is formed. The mRNA travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where it is translated into protein. This is the process of gene expression, in which genes are converted into proteins.
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