Categories: HEALTH

What is Difference Between Measles And Rubella?

Measles vs Rubella

Difference Between Measles And Rubella

Symptoms of Measles and Rubella appear the same to some extent but they have different causal viruses. Measles is caused by Morbillivirus which attacks the respiratory system and Rubella is caused by the Rubella virus which attacks lymph nodes, eyes, &  skin.). Measles mumps rubella (MMR) vaccine is used for the prevention of these three diseases

The key difference between measles and rubella

  • Measles is a much more contagious and serious disease than rubella.
  • In measles, there is a prodromal stage whereas there is no prodromal stage in rubella.
  • Incubation in measles is 1-2 weeks, in rubella 2-3 weeks.
  • Measles symptoms can last up to 10 days, while rubella symptoms usually last a maximum of 5 days.
    Swollen lymph nodes always occur with rubella, but not often with measles.
  • Koplik spots are a symptom of measles, while Forschheimer spots are a symptom of rubella.
    Photophobia occurs in measles, but not in rubella.
  • In measles, the fever can reach 40°C; rubella tends to be below 38.3o.
  • Measles rash consists of spots that last for a while, while rubella rash consists of spots that fade quickly.

Both infections have similar clinical conditions, with skin rashes and fever. In addition, these are diseases that do not usually represent a significant risk for most people (with the exception of children, pregnant women and the elderly). On the contrary, these are relatively easy-to-navigate infections that only need a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment to be successfully overcome or prevented by timely vaccination.

Comparative chart

Definition As for rubella, it is an infectious disease. After being discovered it was called German measles. During one of its most important outbreaks, in 1964-1965, more than 20,000 births of children with congenital defects were registered in the United States. In addition, it is estimated that around 10,000 fetuses were aborted. On the other hand, measles is an infection of the same type as chickenpox (cutaneous and generalized). It is also caused by a virus. WHO indicates that measles is one of the leading causes of death in young children. This disease is highly contagious and is considered very serious, so vaccination is highly recommended.
The virus that causes it Rubella virus Measles virus.
There is a vaccine available Yes. The viral tripe vaccine or SRP (SPR), immunizes in a single dose against measles, mumps, and rubella. Yes. It is included in the SRP vaccine mentioned in the previous table.
  • Articulations pain
  • Swollen glands
  • Maximum fever of 38 °
  • Pink spots on the skin of the face, limbs, and trunk. These rashes are perceived as subcutaneous, leaving no scars to disappear.
  • Headache
  • Swelling of the eyes
  • High fever
  • Rhinorrhea (nasal congestion)
  • Cough
  • Watery and red eyes
  • There may be small white spots inside the mouth.
  • Exanthema: rashes that extend from head to toe. These cause only a slight itching sensation.
Treatment There is no specific treatment for rubella. Rather, you try to keep track of the symptoms, that is, you try to lower the fever, reduce the headache and joints and reduce any other discomfort. In fact, these treatments may be similar to those that a patient with the flu or cold picture receives. Until now there is no antiviral treatment to treat measles. In case of infection, the doctor will prescribe, in addition to quarantine, treatments for other symptoms and rest. It is necessary that in any case, it is a doctor who diagnoses and prescribes measles treatment since its symptomatology is very similar to that of Zika fever.
Forecast The prognosis is usually favorable for almost all sectors of the population. As mentioned earlier, pregnant women, children and the elderly can have serious complications. It is preferable in any case to choose timely prevention, to avoid putting other people at risk. Women of childbearing age and pregnant women should receive special attention against this disease. It is important that the entire population be vaccinated against this disease, as outbreaks can trigger a pandemic. Measles has been listed by WHO as the leading cause of preventable infant deaths (by vaccination) in the world. In the case of infection, deaths from complications prevail in children younger than 5 years and people over 30 years. The measles death rate is 30%.
Disease status Not eradicated Not eradicated with temporary outbreaks.

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