the main Difference Between Algae And Fungi is that Algae and fungi are eukaryotic organisms, which are classified in the Protist kingdom and the fungi kingdom. The Protist kingdom contains protozoa and molds in addition to algae. Algae play a vital role in ecosystems as primary producers and producers of oxygen
This article examines,
1. What are algae?
– Definition, Classification, Characteristics.
2. What are fungi?
– Definition, Classification, Characteristics.
3. What is the difference between algae and fungi?
Algae are single-celled organisms, mostly plant-like, classified under the Protist kingdom. They are diverse and grow everywhere on earth. They are very important in ecosystems as primary producers of aquatic food chains and, at the same time, release oxygen gas into the atmosphere. About 70% of oxygen is produced by algae. Algae are autotrophic, containing only one chloroplast per cell to carry out photosynthesis. But, some types of algae are heterotrophic and are also able to grow in the dark. The algae that use these two types of nutrition are called mixotrophic algae. Microscopic algae (microalgae) can be identified, as well as large seaweeds (macroalgae). Blue-green cyanobacteria or algae are a type of microalgae that do not belong to eukaryotic algae. In eukaryotic algae, sexual reproduction occurs through the union of gametes. Eukaryotic algae are sexually dimorphic; Therefore, male and female gametes are produced by different individuals. Asexual reproduction of algae includes the production of mobile spores and division by mitosis. The giant algae is a type of macroalgae that contains a structure similar to a multicellular talus. The kelp is shown in the Asexual reproduction of algae includes the production of mobile spores and division by mitosis. The giant algae is a type of macroalgae that contains a structure similar to a multicellular talus. The kelp is shown in the Asexual reproduction of algae includes the production of mobile spores and division by mitosis. The giant algae is a type of macroalgae that contains a structure similar to a multicellular talus.
There are three main types of algae: Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Phaeophyta. Chlorophyte It is the green algae, which is the most diverse group of algae. Chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and xanthophylls are the pigments found in green algae. Rhodophyta It is a red alga, which contains phycoerythrin as a photosynthesis pigment. Phaeophyta It is a brown alga, which contains chlorophyll and fucoxanthin as photosynthesis pigments.
Fungi are single-celled or multicellular eukaryotic organisms, which are classified under the fungi of the kingdom. They are mainly immobile and grow as fungal hyphae, which are chains of cylindrical cells, similar to threads. Each cell is separated from the others in the chain by septa. The most characteristic feature of fungi is the chitin cell wall. Fungi live on the dead matter like plants, breaking them down. Digestive enzymes are secreted in the external matter by fungi, absorbing sugar as simple nutrients through the hyphae of fungi. Therefore, fungi are heterotrophs. Some fungi live as symbioses with plants and animals. Some other fungi also become parasites of the host organism. Fungi spread through reproductive spores, that are dispersed by wind or water. Macroscopic filamentous fungi produce fruit bodies, which can be consumed by other animals.
Fungi are classified under seven phyla. They are Microsporidia, Ascomycota, Glomeromycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota, Neocallimastigomycota, and Blastocladiomycota. Microsporidia They are unicellular parasites in protists and animals. Ascomycota Produces spores within the ascus. Glomeromycota They are parasites in plants, which invade the roots of plants by fungal hyphae. Basidiomycota They produce meiospores in basidia. Chytridiomycota, Neocallimastigomycota, and Blastocladiomycota Produce zoospores that are mobile. Fruit bodies of Lycoperdon pyriforme, which is a puffball mushroom that grows on dead wood
Algae: Algae belong to the protist kingdom.
Fungi belong to the fungal kingdom.
Algae: Algae are mostly aquatic. They are found in both fresh and marine water.
Fungi are terrestrial. They are found mainly in dead matter with adequate heat and humidity.
Algae: Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic algae. Other algae are eukaryotes.
Fungi All mushrooms are eukaryotes.
Algae: Algae have chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
Fungi do not possess any photosynthetic pigment.
Algae: Algae are autotrophic since they have chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments.
Fungi are heterotrophs, which digest external foods by secreting enzymes.
Algae: Algae are unable to live in the dark.
Fungi are able to live in the dark.
Algae: The cell wall of the algae is mainly composed of cellulose.
Fungi The fungal cell wall is mainly composed of chitin.
Algae: Algae store their food in the form of starch.
Fungi store food in the form of glycogen and oil globules.
Algae: The algal body is filamentous or parenchymal.
Fungi The fungal body is filamentous or parenchymal.
Algae: Algae contain unadulterated cells.
Fungi Some fungi contain multinucleated cells.
Algae and fungi are two groups of organisms, which belong to the Protist kingdom and the Fungi kingdom respectively. Algae are autotrophic, containing photosynthetic pigments. Fungi are heterotrophic and are able to digest external, non-living, organic material and absorb simple nutrients by the threads. Algae are found in different colors such as green, red and brown due to the presence of different photosynthetic pigments. The main difference between algae and fungi is their mode of nutrition.
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