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(af·for·es·ta·tion | \ (ˌ)a-ˌfȯr-ə-ˈstā-shən)
From Latin ad + forresta, forestis
Afforestation Definition: The act or process of creating a new forest where none had existed before, or reforestation of areas long deforested.
Afforest (Convert to Forest)
Related terms
deforest, deforestation
reforest, reforestation
“The process of planting areas of land with trees in order to form a forest”
“The action of planting trees on an area of land in order to make a forest”
“The act/process of establishing a forest especially on land that was not previously forested”
Afforestation is a forest planting technique or method. A simple Afforestation definition is that it is the act or process of planting trees in a barren land to create a forest. People often confuse this term with reforestation. However, they are two very different things. Reforestation is the specific planting of trees in a forest whose trees are already declining. Therefore, reforestation significantly increases the number of trees, and afforestation basically creates a whole new forest on a land where there was no forest earlier.
So a question comes to our mind. Why do we need afforestation?
Human activities like the intensive exploitation of natural resources, overpopulation, pollution, and deforestation are seriously damaging the earth. People move into the forest and cut trees for agriculture and settlement. Deforestation ultimately results in flooding, landslides, soil erosion, famine, drought, etc. The high hills with fewer trees cause landslides which cause huge environmental and economic losses.
So we conclude that “Planting trees on new area is the afforestation and is the only solution to stop all these catastrophic changes in the environment”.
Afforestation is the need of the time. It is the best solution to many climate change problems. If we keep our environment and our natural system good for a long time, we must save future generations.
The afforestation Method of planting trees includes the following steps.
Forest site factors should be considered and analyzed prior to afforestation to avoid reforestation failure. Once the type of afforestation land has been defined, the afforestation tree species and afforestation methods suitable for the type are selected according to the cultivation objectives.
Forest site factors include climatic, topographical, soil, and hydrological factors.
Climatic factors determine the water and heat conditions on which plants depend, thus forming types of vegetation.
For afforestation, foresters pay more attention to microclimatic factors. Light, temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, wind speed, and other factors affect tree growth and forest productivity.
Topographic factors include elevation, aspect, slope, position, type of slope, etc.
At present, there are many monitoring instruments that can monitor forest weather factors including radiation, temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, etc. It provides an important data source for future forest management and afforestation.
A simple Comparison of #BillionTreeTsunami plantation site before and after of Garhi Chandan plantation site in Pakistan
Site preparation is a critical activity affecting the afforestation survival rate. Site preparation varies according to the types of afforestation land. Site preparation typically includes mechanical and chemical methods including leveling, scalping, trenching, littering, chopping, herbicide, prescribed burning, etc.
The main purpose of mechanical methods is to eliminate unwanted plants, reduce their growth, protect surface soils and improve the quality of the site. Mechanical methods can redistribute dead vegetation, such as cutting or cutting; they can also reshape the soil surface, such as litter, plowing, and backfilling.
Chemical methods generally refer to herbicides, pesticides, and fertilization. Chemical site preparation, such as herbicides or pesticides, is both harmful and beneficial to the quality of the site.
The success or failure of afforestation depends on the healthy growth of the root system. Whether it is a seed or a plant, only rooting or rooting after transplanting can form a forest. Site preparation promotes and ensures that the root system can be tightly integrated with the soil by different methods. Additionally, encourage the root system to absorb enough water.
Different types of Afforestation materials available to grow or plant new trees are following
Sexual methods of planting or sowing a tree are via seeds and seedlings. But cutting and sprouting method of afforestation use the vegetative or asexual technique of planting.
Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. The selection of suitable afforestation materials should take full account of the characteristics of the tree species. Numerous studies have shown that the age of planting material, the season, time, and methods of planting, all affect the survival rate of the new plants.
Direct seeding is a widely used afforestation method. Compared with the sowing method, it has the merits of simple operation, high efficiency, low cost, and can be used on hard-to-reach areas.
However, it has strict requirements on water, heat, and vegetation conditions. Compared with the Afforestation of seedlings, seedlings formed by direct seeding grow slowly at the initial stage, so it takes longer to reach crown closure. Sometimes the seeds after sowing are easily damaged by birds and animals, trampled by livestock and human destruction, so there is a need to strengthen management and protection.
Pre-sowing treatment of seeds: Generally, before sowing, the seeds should be disinfected, soaked, sprouted, dressed, coated, and glued. The purpose of pre-sowing treatment is to shorten the duration of seeds in the soil before germination, to ensure the orderly emergence of seedlings, and to prevent damage to birds, mammals, and disease.
The germination rate of seeds in Afforestation
There are two types of seedlings, bare-root, and container. Compared to direct sowing, here plants have a full or partial root system. It can be planted in almost any suitable site, and the site conditions are not high.
In general, potted plants are used for afforestation in difficult site conditions. Additionally, plants are usually grown in nurseries or a controlled greenhouse environment, transplantation has more or less damaged the root system, and bare root and potted plants can be produced year-round.
Bare root seedlings have always been promoted for reforestation projects because they can be easily transported by hand by foresters and are cheaper than container seedlings.
Seeds and seedlings are methods of sexual afforestation, and many trees also have the ability to reproduce asexually. The cutting is a piece of plant that can be used in afforestation. It can be taken from stems, branches, leaves, roots and directly planted on forest land. Cuttings can retain target characteristics of the parent tree, such as high yield, rapid growth, and stress resistance.
Some research has shown that the behavior of cuttings varies with age, genotypes, physiological condition of the mother plant, cutting position, and temperature.
Also, sprouting is another method of afforestation that can produce new forests. Sprouts are more resistant to disturbance than seedlings of seed origin and grow rapidly.
Strain or root weed sprouts are commonly used germination materials and can quickly produce many adventitious roots with high water absorption capacities, such as Populus, Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Ziziphus jujuba, Paulownia tomentosa and Toxicodendron vernicifluum. The ability to germinate is believed to be related to species, stem size, age, and intensity of management.
Recently, sprouting has been widely used in the cultivation of coppice forests. In China, Europe, and the Americas, this method is used to develop short rotation energy forests to obtain raw materials from biomass.
Afforestation has innumerable advantages. One cannot imagine the benefits this will bring to humanity, wildlife and vegetation.
In short, we need to encourage afforestation. It will help make the world greener. In addition, afforestation will secure the future for our generations to come. Man must realize that if we do not take the essential steps, we will suffer. The earth will always survive as it is, we have to save ourselves.
Over the last few decades, afforestation area has grown rapidly in the semi-arid grasslands of the Qilian Mountains in northwestern China which effort to restore mountain vegetation.
Afforestation altered soil properties in both top and subsoil. This increased soil water content, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and organic carbon storage, and resulted in a significant increase in total phosphorus in the surface soil.
Afforestation increased soil organic carbon and nitrogen storage. In addition, afforestation significantly increased the soil C: N ratio in the upper soil.
Top Five Ways to Promote Afforestation
Almost 80% of deforestation is caused for agricultural purposes. Modernization in the recent century has resulted in the mass destruction of forests by humans and ultimately the destruction of wildlife and the rise in global warming. But there is hope always. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) new special report is that some degree of “afforestation” will be needed to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
Several examples can be given where individual and governmental efforts are being done for reforestation and afforestation. One best example is the “Pakistan’s project of Billion Tree Tsunami “ a project started by the Pakistan government which is resulted in the restoration of 350,000 hectares.
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