Bio Terms Starting With Alphabet Cc

Biology Terms that Start With ” C ”

Most common biology terms that start with alphabet c include Cardiotonic, carpel, cochlea, commensalism, cones, corm, cornea, corolla, cotyledon, and many more. feel free to scroll down and click on anyone you want to read.

CALYX: The outer whorl of flowers; consists of sepals

CARBON CYCLE: The biogeochemical cycle in which carbon circulates between organisms and the environment

CARDIOTONIC: Drugs to strengthen the heart muscles

CARNIVORES: Consumers who eat only animal flesh

CARPEL: Part of the gynoecium of the flower; consists of stigma, style and ovary

CARTILAGE: The connective tissue that is part of the human skeleton

CELL BODY: The cell body is the part of the neuron or nerve cell that contains the nucleus. From the cell body axon and dendrites emerge.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: part of the nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord

CEPHALOSPORIN: A group of antibiotics; interfere with the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall

CEREBELLUM: The part of the hindbrain is also called the little brain. It is located at the back of the brain. It controls muscle movements, balance Balance. Posture, Motor-learning, Sequence learning, Reflex, memory, Mental function, Emotional processing.

CEREBRAL CORTEX: It is the outer grey matter layer of the cerebral hemispheres, that covers the surface of the two cerebral hemispheres.

CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES: The brain divisions of the brain

CEREBROSPINAL FLUID: Fluid in the ventricles of the brain and in the central canal of the spinal cord

 BRAIN: It is the part of the Central Nervous system present within the skull that consists of interneurons and has the ability to control many sensory and motor functions of an organism.

CERVIX: In the female reproductive system, the part that separates the uterus from the vagina

CHONDROCYTE: Cells found in cartilage

CHROMATIN: The chemical material that makes up the structure of the chromosome

CLONING: A method of asexual reproduction in which identical offspring are produced from vegetative tissue or from a cell of the parent

COCHLEA: The part of the inner ear; consists of three ducts wrapped in the form of a coiled tube; contains sound receptors

CO-DOMINANCE: The situation where two alleles of a pair of genes express their traits independently instead of showing a dominant-recessive relationship

COLLECTING DUCT: The tubes into which the renal tubules of the nephrons open

COLOR BLINDNESS: genetic disorders in which the person cannot recognize basic colors

COMMENSALISM: A type of symbiosis in which one partner gains an advantage while the other gains or harms it

COMPACT BONE: The hard outer layer of bones

CONES: The photosensitive cells of the retina of the eye; sensitive to bright light and thus distinguish different colors

CONSUMER: The part of the biotic component of the ecosystem that is made up of animals

CONTINUOUS FERMENTATION PROCESS: The fermentation in which the substrate is added to the fermenter continuously, at a fixed rate

CORM: Short, swollen underground stem; has bud (s) at the top; gives birth to new plants by vegetative propagation

CORNEA: The transparent part of the sclera that forms at the front of the eye through which light enters

COROLLA: The second whorl of the flower, consisting of petals

COTYLEDON: A modified leaf present in the seeds; often provides food for the developing seedling

COWPER’S GLAND: accessory gland of the male reproductive system of the rabbit; lubricates the ducts

CRANIAL BONES: The bones of the skull

CRANIAL NERVES: nerves that originate in or lead to the brain


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