
How does the nervous system work?

How does the nervous system work? The nervous system is a set of organs and neuronal tissue responsible for regulating the…

3 years ago

reptilian brain: parts and functions

Parts of Reptilian Brain: Over time, certain evolutionary improvements have been implemented in the brains of human beings that have…

3 years ago

Erectile Dysfunction: causes, treatment and solutions

Erectile dysfunction is an increasingly common and extremely alarming and worrying problem for men who suffer from it. It is said…

3 years ago

Parts of Cerebellum

The cerebellum is located at the back of the brainstem (it is the connection of the spinal cord to the…

3 years ago

Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder in which the person suffering from it presents a series of motor and vocal…

3 years ago

Diseases of Central nervous system

Diseases of the Central nervous system: The nervous system is extremely important since it is the one that ensures that…

3 years ago

Peripheral Nervous System: Functions and Parts

Do you know what the function of the peripheral nervous system is, what are the parts of the peripheral nervous…

3 years ago

Parts of the brain and their functions

The brain is one of the most important parts of the human body. Thanks to the brain we can feel and process…

3 years ago

Parts of Central Nervous System

Introduction The nervous system is responsible for controlling all the body functions and responding to the external environment. In Humans…

3 years ago

Parts of the Nervous System

there are two major parts of the nervous system. The center of the nervous system in the brain. The brain…

3 years ago